Jim Martyka
I can help you with your book project at whatever point in the process you’re at, whether it’s consulting, outlining, writing, editing, or publishing! I offer highly competitive rates based on national averages for my work and can guarantee a payment plan that will work for any or all of the following services:
If you’ve got an idea, I can help you take the first steps to getting it on paper, working with your individual writing habits and schedule. I will help you not only flush out your ideas, but also help you set a schedule and a to-do list for completion, focusing on manageable tasks to help you write at your pace. I can also get you over that dreaded writer's block!
Whether it’s fiction, an autobiography, guide, resource manual, cookbook or any other piece of nonfiction, I can help you get it finished. I work with you every step of the way from outlining to print and everything in between. We'll set a detailed calendar of deadlines and a system to get your book done the way you want it quickly and efficiently.
I am fully trained in both Chicago Manual and AP Style and can help you put the final touches on your completed manuscript to get it ready for pitching or publishing.
I will work with you to generate both the all-important query letter and a professional pitch package, including a cover letter, summary, bio, detailed outline of the book, sample chapters, comparative titles, market and industry research, other potential uses, and key points to attract an agent, a publisher, and an audience.
If you decide to self-publish, I can work you through the process from design and finding a competitive printer to obtaining proper licenses and marketing and promoting your book. If you work with a publisher, I can work as a liaison between the parties to help with promotion, distribution, signing opportunities, maintaining an online presence, etc.
Pricing for each service varies on a per project basis.